Know Yourself and Your Relationships with Human Design

Start a journey of self-discovery and unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships.

Welcome to myBodyGraph, Your Personal Guide to Human Design.

Brought to the world by Ra Uru Hu, the Human Design System combines ancient wisdom and modern science to reveal who you truly are and how you connect with others. Ready to embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery?

Human Design is a User Manual for Life

Imagine having a map—a guide that provides clarity about your true nature and offers direction towards your purpose. This is Human Design, a revolutionary system that combines principles of Astrology, the I’Ching, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahman, and Quantum Physics to create a unique "Design" that's as individual as your DNA.

This intricate Human Design BodyGraph is a snapshot of your energetic blueprint—it captures your strengths, challenges, and potential unlike anything else.

Understanding your Human Design can help you:

Navigate life with ease

Know your unique decision-making strategy, and start making the right choices.

Improve relationships

Gain insights into your connections, enhancing empathy and understanding.

Unlock your potential

Discover your unique talents and gifts, and learn how to use them to fulfill your purpose.

Overcome challenges

Get a roadmap of your potential pitfalls and learn how to transform them into wisdom.

Human Design is more than just knowledge—it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Meet Ra Uru Hu, The Source of Human Design

In 1987, Ra Uru Hu experienced a mystical encounter that lasted eight days and nights during which he received a transmission of information; what is known today as the Human Design System.

Ra devoted the rest of his life to developing and teaching Human Design, serving as a guide for countless individuals seeking to understand themselves and their place in the world. His teachings are more than theoretical; they are practical tools for self-discovery and personal transformation.

Through myBodyGraph, Ra's profound insights and wisdom are accessible to you. His teachings are meticulously preserved and presented in an easy-to-understand format, allowing you to explore and learn about your Human Design Chart at your own pace.

Embark on this transformative journey and experience the profound impact of Ra Uru Hu's Human Design on your life.

A Brief Human Design Timeline

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The Unique Features of myBodyGraph

All analysis and educational material is the authentic teachings of Ra Uru Hu, the source of Human Design, delivered in text and audio format. Whether you choose to enjoy just the free material, unlock individual charts or subscribe for access to all charts, myBodyGraph offers you the tools for a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Foundational Analysis

Start your journey into Human Design with free teachings about your Type, Strategy, and Authority—your unique decision-making strategies. 

Continue with a comprehensive analysis of your Human Design: 

  • Conditioning: Where you are susceptible to influence and pressure but also where your potential for wisdom lies.
  • Life Force: The way energy flows through your consistent, fixed and reliable qualities.
  • Imprint: Your conscious and unconscious characteristics.
  • Role, Purpose, and Direction: Your potential as a result from experimenting with and living your Human Design.

In the language of Human Design, the following is covered: Type, Inner Authority, Open Centers, Definition, Defined Centers, Channels, Circuitry, Gates, Planets, Profile, Nodes, and Incarnation Cross.

Advanced Analysis

Once you've been experimenting with your Strategy & Authority for a while, our Advanced Analysis offers transformational knowledge that can take you to the next level. 

Experiment with the Four Transformations for optimal health and cognitive clarity: 

  • Nourish Your Body & Brain: The particular Dietary Regimen that enables your body to absorb nutrients properly—enhancing the entire body’s well-being and the brain’s functioning.
  • Recognize Your Path: The correct Environment harmonizes with your body’s resonance to outer conditions and is critical for longevity, the quality of life, and for developing your Perspective.
  • How You View Life Uniquely: Your Perspective develops your awareness of how you uniquely see life experiences. It is how you gain wisdom and provides you with signposts to notice when you get lost in distraction.
  • How Your Mind Conceptualizes: Motivation and Awareness determines the unique way you think and conceptualize, and the expression of what you have learned through your life.

In the language of Human Design, the following is covered: Design and Personality Internal and External Color and Tone (Primary Health System and Rave Psychology, or the Four Transformations: Determination, Environment, Perspective, and Awareness), and Variable.

Discover your Human Design

Partnership Analysis

Bring greater awareness to your relationships, work through challenges, and appreciate unique dynamics with a partnership analysis.

Combine any two Human Design charts to create a connection chart, which can reveal any of the following:

  • Connection Theme: Determines how open or closed a partnership is to external stimulation, helping you understand and navigate the partnership.
  • Electromagnetic: Attraction and repulsion, love and hate—often the spark of a partnership but requires awareness to navigate the ups and downs. 
  • Dominance: Where one partner is designed to learn from, and accept and surrender to, a powerful conditioning force and consistent theme of the other. 
  • Compromise: A particularly restrictive and challenging dynamic that, without awareness, can end up being the make-or-break point of a partnership.
  • Companionship: The potential for friendship and shared experiences—can create stability within the partnership, but also invisibility.

Transit Tools

Explore the daily transit field with our advanced and feature-packed Human Design Transit Tools. Stay up to date with Live Just Now & Just Now Connection Charts, and the upcoming Planetary Changes overview. Create unlimited Transit and Transit Connection Charts and utilize the interactive Ephemeris to visually track planetary changes over time.

Learning Resources

Explore our free knowledge center to enhance your understanding of the Human Design System. Our free dictionary explains all terminology, ensuring clear comprehension. Every subscription includes Ra’s Rave I'Ching, featuring all original 384 descriptions of the Lines—a powerful resource for anyone exploring Human Design.

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